Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bailey Cupcakes

My Bailey is turning 14 on Thursday, so (in order to avoid NYE craziness) we're going out to dinner to celebrate on Wednesday. Mama bought me the Martha Stewart Cupcakes book I had been wanting (AND a Joann's gift card!) for Christmas, so I decided Bailey's birthday was a good opportunity to practice my cupcake skills. Bailey actually helped me make these... He loves cooking, baking and especially desserts!

So this was my inspiration for the cupcakes that I wanted to make Bailey... Only not pink of course (simple enough, right???)....

Cupcakes baked...

Fondant rolled and circles cut...

Frosting made from scratch (I know it's not rocket science, but it was a first for me!) and dyed...

White Chocolate Melts ready to be melted...

Maxton showing me his Mr. Potato heads "toes"...

Decorating bag ready to be filled...

B's ready to be traced...

Bailey being a goof...

And the finished product...

Holy disastrous kitchen.....


TexNan said...

OMG! Those look incredible. And those are great pics of the kids--where's Jaden? Thanks for posting that, hon. I love reading about your darling family.

Amanda said...

Ohhhh.... Thank you sooo much! Mom was supposed to come help me with them, but she had a stomach bug. That didn't stop me from calling her about 30 times during the process, though! Jadon was spending the night with a friend last night, so he missed all the fun!

I love you and miss you SOOOO much! :-)