Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I’m a little slow with this post, but I’m just now getting around to writing down my New Year’s Resolutions… I have several this year and I really hope I’m able to stick with at least a few of them.

1. Lose Weight… I know it’s not exciting or different or interesting, but it’s very, very necessary.
2. Get my shopping/spending under control… Not only do I eat my feelings… I spend them as well. And considering the fact that Bailey will be in high school next year… I really ought to focus a little more on the college fund and a little less on fun, new Coach bags! *sigh*
3. Bake Cupcakes… Okay, I know that this goes directly against my first resolution, but I don’t plan on eating (all of) them. I just want to bake them more often. I love cupcakes (the act of baking and decorating them) and have received several cupcake books recently, so I’d like to put them to use.
4. Keep a cleaner/neater house… This one has been rough for me lately, but I honestly believe that having an organized, chaos free life begins with having an organized, chaos free home, which leads me to number 5…
5. “Run a tight ship”… I want to be more organized and keep my kids more organized this year. No one has ever accused me of “running a tight ship”… I’m going to attempt to change that this year.
6. Lose the potty mouth… I’ve needed to work on this one for awhile, but now that I have a 2 year old repeating every word I say it’s imperative!
7. Learn to play the guitar… I have wanted to play the guitar since I was 15 years old… Even took a few lessons in high school… Have owned (if you count my mom’s hand me down) a total of 3 guitars… And still don’t know how to play! Kevin bought me my latest guitar for Christmas and I am determined to actually learn this time.

I guess that’s about it… Wish me luck!